Abt 1752
30 Jul 1782
Short Creek, Ohio Co, Va, Usa
Jan 1782
Ohio co, Va, Usa
Wild Genes
                   at Girty's Point	1  CAUS Killed by Indians

The most famous Indian fighter and scout of his day. (Travelers through present Wheeling may note a marker at the site of McCulloch's leap, over a bluff to escape from the savages.)

see also

2 Draper, Virginia Papers, 9 ZZ pp. 41-52, Interview with Miss Narcissa Doddridge, Wellsburg, Brooke County, West Virginia. Among the earliest settlers in Northwest Virginia were McCullocks, who emigrated from the South Branch of the Potomac in 1770; settled on Short Creek which empties into the Ohio River, nine (9) miles north of Wheeling. The family consisted of four brothers, Abraham, George, Samuel and John and several sisters, one of whom was the wife of Col. Ebenezer Zane, who, with his brothers, about the same time settled at the mouth of Wheeling Creek.
Final scene of Samuel McCullock's eventful career was communicated to this writer by the widow of the late John MCullock of Ohio County, Virginia, and in substance collaborated by other members of the family, and the late Col. Moses Moorhead of Zanesville. Samuel and John, the youngest brothers, were early distinguished for intrepidity and successful prowess in Indian warfare, indominable bravery in opposing Indians in open combat. Brothers were known by the Indians and were objects of fear and intense hate.
At the time of his death, Maj. Samuel McCullock was commandant at Fort VanMeter, in 1777 styled the "Courthouse Fort" from the circumstance of the first civil court in Northwest Virginia having been held there, soon after the original separation of Ohio County from West Augusta. This fort was one of the first erected in this part of Virginia. It stood on the north side of Short Creek about six miles from its junction with the Ohio River.
Agricultural labor was performed by companies, each member of which  . . . wrought with one hand while the other grasped a weapon of defense.. On the morning of the 30th of July, 1782, arrangements were made by most of the men in the Fort for the performance of field labor, while the commander and his brother John were assigned to the duty of reconnoitering the paths leading from the river to the Fort. Samuel had a premonition, returned to the Fort and left a watch and several small items for disposition if he did not return, and left a letter to his youthful bride, who was at the house of her father, Captain Mitchell. The t wo brothers saw no Indians on the way out and were returning to the Fort on the ____________ of the elevated ridge rising abruptly from the northern bank of the creek and had just reached the termination of a deep ravine which made up from the stream. John, being somewhat in advance of his brother, was riding around the top of a large tree which had fallen athwart the path-- when a low half-suppressed growl from a well-trained hunting dog . . . arrested their attention. No time intervened for scrutinizing the cause-- a volley of bullets from an invisible enemy at once revealed it.

THE INTELLIGENCER (Wheeling, WV), April 2, 1977.
©Ogden Newspapers; reproduced with permission.

"Samuel McColloch
Information Very Sparse"


Major Samuel McColloch is a famous name in Northern Panhandle history. However, when called upon to recollect incidents of his life, one is hard pressed to remember anything other than his "leap."
What do we actually know about this man, who seems so important but whose life is quite obscure? The following is a compolation of information from many sources, and will be given in chronological order.
Samuel was born in 1750 or 1752 in Gloucester Township, New Jersey, the son of John and Sarah Inskeep McColloch. Soon thereafter, he and his parents moved to Hardy County on the Potomac River, and then to Ohio County in 1770. John McColloch was highly influential in Ohio County history. He, by 1776, was a colonel in the Continental Army, for which he was commissioned to raise six battalions on November 9. Also, he arranged the meeting of local landowners at Hezekiah Dewitt's house on December 8, to vote for a place to hold court. Likewise, he administered the oaths of office for their various positions to David Rodgers, David Shepherd and James McMechen. Our references are vague on these points, but they do point out the authority of the man. He died in 1778 while serving as sheriff of Ohio County.
As will be seen with Samuel, there is a distinct lack of publicity about John. Many items are given which leave much to the interpretation of the researcher. One possibility for this is the very fame which we try to discover. It may be that John and then Samuel were so well known, and that their actions were also, that little of these was recorded at the time, since knowledge about them was already public.
The time before 1777 is totally void of information about Samuel. This is surprising in the light of the outbreak of Dunmore's War on April 26, 1774. This was the result of the desire of Lord Dunmore, the royal governor of Virginia, for money and land. Major John Connelly, Dunmore's aide, was responsible for the hostilities which began at the mouth of the Great Kanawha River. It set the settlers against the Indians with such ferocity that the public demanded and received permission to build and garrison several small forts, such as Van Metre's Fort, for protection.
The war was declared at Wheeling, by George Roger Clark, Ebenezer Zane, and others. At the same time, the need for a fort here was recognized, and, on June 28, Fort Fincastle-Henry was completed. This fort was the staging area for all expeditions during the conflict.
1777 was an eventful year for the Panhandle, and for Major McColloch. With the hostilities with the Indians and the first indications of his business expertise, this year marks the beginnings of his famous, if short, career. McColloch became a major in the Ohio County militia on January 6, and began his command of Van Metre's Fort in West Liberty. A somewhat later document attests to his presence there.
"Sir, please to let the bearer ensign Wm. Leet have twelve pounds of lead for the use of the militia stationed at this place and obliged, sir, your humble servant Samuel McColloch given under my hand at Van Metre's Fort this 4th day of August, 1778 to Zephariah Blackford at Fort Henry."
Exactly how McColloch earned his rank is unknown. We have no records of his qualifications. Possibly, the money he had already made, and the influence of his father were helpful. Although appointed at this time, the oaths of office or rank were not given to Samuel, David Shepherd, Joseph Ogle, John Biggs and others until June 2.
On January 28, Samuel attended a council of war at Catfish Camp (now Washington, Pa.) with Col David Shepherd and others, to discuss retaliation against the Indians, and to list the numbers of forts, men and supplies which would be vital to the war effort.
In March, we find evidence that McColloch was involved in land near Pittsburgh.
Deed Book 1-C, Washington County, March 1777.
"Between Dorsey Penticost, John Canon, Andrew Robinson, Samuel McColloch and Ebenezer Zane all of Ohio County as co-partners of the Ohio Trading Company members and purchases from Capt. Paul Froman, a tract, plantation, and improvement on Saw Mill Run one mile above Pittsburgh. Whereas Col John Neville was a co-partner with Froman and with him in the army of the United States, and Isaac Cox, Esq. relinquishes their right to Dorsey Penticost on April 15, 1778 and Penticost did get title to the 635 acres for 635 pounds. Now he sells to John Canon, Samuel McColloch and others for 317 pounds 10 shillings."
As a prelude to this topic, we must note the confused situation in Western Pennsylvania at this time. Because of a boundary dispute, most of Western Pennsylvania was claimed by both Pennsylvania and Virginia. Thus, there were two sets of laws governing this area, and one could, it seems, choose to follow the law giving the most advantage at a given time.
The problem concerns land warrants, that is, land given to individuals by the government for military service.
One could dispose of this land in any way he chose. In Pennsylvania, several tracts of warrant land could be combined, bought, or sold legally. But, in Virginia, the practice of land-jobbing, as it was called, of forming a company to combine and sell warrants, was illegal. So, it is with great interest that we read of Samuel McColloch and the others buying 635 acres from Dorsey Penticost at one-half pound per acre, half the price Penticost paid for it, and later selling the land at a sizeable profit. We do not know the circumstances, but Penticost lost 317 pounds on the deal. 1777 was a terrible year because of conflict with the Indians. Possibly Penticost could not sell his property, or live on it, and decided to sell it for whatever he could receive. He may have been a partner for this very reason. The legality of the sale is dependent upon which of the states' laws one follows. According to Pennsylvania, the transaction was proper; in Virginia, it was not

McColloch was part of another financial deal on May 6, 1777. We read:
"This will oblige me and my heirs to pay Burr Harrison in order the ... sum of 29 pounds ten shillings continental money of Pennsylvania on or before the first of August next being the amount due for 12 head of cattle now on Wheeling Island ... to pay at the same time 8 pounds same currency for all the hides belonging to said Harrison now in Wheeling Fort to be received from the commisary at the place. Samuel McColloch."
Harrison had sold the cattle and hides to Fort Henry but had not yet been paid for them. McColloch bought the cattle and hides which were in the possession of Francis Duke, the commissary. There are other references concerning money to be given later. The patter we see is that Ohio County was bankrupt, and that McColloch lent sums to it, or, as here, bought the supplies for himself. Also, through these transactions, we may notice the fluctuation of references to dollars and poounds. Dollars were used for part of 1777, but were replaced by pounds because of the poor state of the colonies' treasuries.
The final event of 1777 is, without doubt, one of the most famous exploits in military folklore. On September 1, Fort Henry was attacked by a band of 300 Indians. Calls for aid reached as far as Catfish Camp (Washington, Pa.), and included Van Metre's Fort, which Major McColloch commanded. On his way with 40 men, he was ambushed and, to escape, rode off or down Wheeling Hill. This deed is, unfortunately, not recorded in any documented report of the attack, or in accounts later related to historians. Nor does anyone record whether the leap took place at this time. Layman C. Draper believed that the leap occurred, but not as part of this siege. The leap is part of the history of this area, and, with the information we have about McColloch, seems to fit with recorded statements of his bravery. But, more factual information is not extant.
There is little on McColloch in 1778. This can be explained in part, by the declaration of martial law by Col. David Shepard, from June 2, 1777 until April 6, 1778. Records kept during this emergency were minimal. At the end of the year, on December 7, Samuel, John Canon and J. P. Duval petitioned the Virginia Senate concerning the status of Col. David Rodgers. Rodgers had been appointed County Lieutenant, an honorific title which had nothing to do with one's rank, on March 4, 1777, and had served in the Senate. Under intense Indian pressure, Rodgers left Ohio County for Fayette County, and finally moved to New York.
The action of McColloch and the others seems justified, in investigating Rodgers' status. Also, there may have been political motives on the part of the petitioners wich inspired the action. In any event, McColloch was appointed to the Senate the following year. Rodgers himself was eventually killed by Simon Girty somewhere near Cincinnati, on October 4, 1779.
In August of 1779, McColloch took part in Brodhead's Campaign. This action led by Gen. Daniel Brodhead and including Samuel's brother John, was intended to be a show of strength, and a chance to position more forts in the area, such as Fort MacIntyre.
Interviews conducted by Layman Draper with former militiamen acknowledged Samuel's presence. Jesse Ellis was 23 at the time of the campaign, and stated, "Col. John Gibson (commandant of Fort Pitt), Lt. Col. George Vanlandingham, and Major Samuel McColloch commanded the militia." The interview was recorded in 1845, when Ellis was eighty-nine years old.
The 1846 interview with Daniel Higgins also states, that, "a Major McColloch was put on the campaign." Higgins was born in 1758, and was eighty-eight when interviewed. He makes no further mention of McColloch, but does speak of Capt. Samuel Brady. It is interesting that these men recalled McColloch after 66 years. He must have made some impression. Also, we can understand the lack of mention, since a young soldier would be more liable to have contact with one closer in rank than a major.
Draper also interviewed Charles O'Bail, an Indian, the son of the half-breed Shawnee chief Cornplanter (named John O'Bail by the British), who was present on the other side. He mentions neither McColloch nor Brady. Another Indian, Capt. John Decker, was interviewed at the age of 100 or better. He makes no mention of McColloch. If McColloch were hated as fiercely as supposed, these adversaries might have remembered him more clearly.
Also in 1779, McColloch was the representative of Ohio County to the Virginia legislature. There is no other information on this appointment, or on McColloch's actions while serving.
As mentioned, above, McColloch's personal wealth bailed out Ohio County often. Mary Ogle collected the pension of her husband on Jule 2, 1777.
"Mary Ogle allowed pension her husband being killed in the service of the United States allowed the sum of twenty pounds and to draw on the treasury for the same."
In September of 1779, the County records the reimbursement of the pension to McColloch, who had loaned the money to Ogle.
"Pay Samuel McColloch eighty pounds allowed Mary Ogle for her husband being killed in the Continental service."
This eighty pounds represents the accrued sum, and reflects an increase in the pension to Ogle.

Although John McColloch, Sr., had died in 1778, his son Samuel had to wait until May 14, 1780 to inherit his father's estate. As eldest son, he received everything. This evidence comes from a court martial which occurred in Hampshire County.
Next, Samuel McColloch and Frederick Prentling were cited in a civil suit, a peace bond, on September 5, 1780, with Prentling bearing the burden of keeping the peace.
Order Book 1, p. 97
"Frederick Prentling and Samuel McColloch came into court and acknowledged themselves indebted to the Commonwealth in the Penalt sun of one thousand pounds on Prentling and McColloch in five hundred pounds on Proviso that Prentling keep the peace to next court."
As seen above, McColloch's military record is highly obscure. We know that he participated in the Coshocton expedition, April 10-28, 1781, because his pay is listed as $350.
"Payroll on ye expedition to Coshockton commg. 10 April and ending 28th inclusive 1781 for nineteen days ... Sam'l McColloch, Maj. $350."
Officers received a horse and forage also. The Coshocton Campaign was a show of strength and retaliation for incidents with the Indians.
About February 1, 782, Samuel married Mary Mitchell, the daughter of Capt. John Mitchell, from whom Samuel had once purchased land. The actual date, and other information about the short marriage is not forthcoming. There were no children, and after Samuel's death, Mary married Col. Woods.
On April 5, 1782, McColloch attended a conference
Wild Genes
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
Maj. Samuel McColloch - Blocked

Maj. Samuel McColloch was born at Abt 1752. His parents were John McColloch, (Rev. War) and Sarah Inskeep.

He married Blocked Jan 1782 at Ohio co, Va, Usa .

Maj. Samuel McColloch died 30 Jul 1782 at Short Creek, Ohio Co, Va, Usa .