James Chauncey SNOW

11 Jan 1817
Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire
30 Apr 1884
Pettyville, Sanpete, Utah
4 May 1884
Manti, Sanpete, Utah
Jan 1838
Kirtland, Lake, Ohio
                   Went on a mission to the New England part of the United States

Arrived in SLC 9 October 1852

Blessing received in the Kirtland Temple

Lot 19 Block 13 Plat A Grv

Also sealed to wife 2 Dec 1856 EH

Seal to Parents:  6 Jul 1889 MANTI - Manti Utah

James Chauncey Snow - born 11 Jan 1817 in Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire - parents were Gardner and Sarah Sawyer Hastings Snow - died 30 April 1884 in Pettyville, Sanpete, Utah - arrived in valley: 12 October 1852 in the James Chauncey Snow Company.
*married 1st Eliza Ann Carter on 10 Feb 1838 in Kirtland, Ohio - Eliza born 28 Sep 1818
    in Newry, Oxford, Maine - parents: John and Hannah Knight Libby Carter - died: 9 Mar
    1897 in Provo, Utah, Utah
**married 2nd - Jane Cecelia Roberts Wheeler Snow (wid) on 2 Dec 1856 in Provo,
      Utah - born 4 June 1836 in Winchester, Scott, Illinois - parents: Horace and Harriet
      McEvers Roberts- died 19 Feb 1910 in Castle Dale, Emery, Utah
***married 3rd - Lydia Chadwick on 20 Feb 1856 (div)
****married 4th - Ann Clark on 13 Mar 1857 (div)
James and his parents moved to St. Johnsbury, Vermont, in 1818.  He was baptized in 1833.  In 1834 he and his cousin went on short term missions in New England.  He returned home to Kirtland where his family had moved.  During his mission in Maine, he met a convert, Eliza Ann.  She moved to Kirtland where they took up their friendship and were married.  They went with the group to Far West but were forced to leave by the mobs.  They settled for a time in Lima, Illinois, until again they were forced from their home by a mob.  They lived in Nauvoo until forced out of there.  They lived in Iowa until 1852, when they formed a company with James at the head to travel to Salt Lake.  It was hard for him to take other wives as advised by President Young, but his faith was great and he complied.  In 1868 he was called by Brigham Young to go to Dixie to lay out tracts for townships.  He took Jane with him.  In 1876, after his mission was completed, he moved his family to Pettyville where he was made superintendent of the Sunday School and postmaster.  He and his sons helped build the school house.  He surveyed and laid out the town.  Several years later they moved to Sterling where James was a successful farmer.  He ran the post office for several years.  He died while living here.

Children of 1st wife:
1- Sarah Jane born 30 Oct 1838 in Far West, Missouri - married 1st 5 Dec 1853 to Marshall C. Kinsman - married       2nd 6 April 1867 to Joseph Young - died 11 Nov 1910 in Provo, Utah
2- John Carter born 28 June 1940 in Morley, Illinois - married 1st, 6 Oct 1859 to Harriet Baker - married 2nd, 25 Oct 1883 to Esther C. Pulsipher - died 10 July 1909 to Provo, Utah
3- Don Carlos born 22 Jan 1842 in Morley, Illinois - married 1st, 20 Oct 1862 to Mary Elizabeth Hallett - married 2nd, 6 Dec 1875 to Sarah Montague - died 17 Nov 1897 in Provo, Utah
4 - Eliza Ann born 25 August 1843 in Morley, Illinois - married 16 July 1862 to Caleb William Haws - died 8 Feb 1901 in Provo, Utah

James Chauncey Snow was leader of a pioneer company who departed on 5 July 1852 for the Salt Lake Valley.  They reached Salt Lake on 9-10 October 1852. When they left the outfitting post at Kanesville, Iowa (present day Council Bluffs) there were 250 individuals and about 55 wagons.  Members of the Snow Family were Dominicus Carter (1) Snow, Don Carlos Snow  (10) Eliza Ann Snow 9 Elizabeth Ann Carter 33 James Chauncy Snow 35 James Erastus Snow 6 John Chancy Snow 12 Richard Carter Snow 4 Sarah Jane Snow 14.

«b»Utah Burials Database«/b» - James C. Snow - born 11 January 1817 in Chester County, American - died 30 April 188 of congestion of bowels - bured Manti Ct Cemetery Lot 19 Block 13 Plat A Grv - Source: donated - Relatives: Sarah H. Snow (Mother) Gardner Sno (Father)
Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia - Volume 1 - Biographies - Snow, James Chaney

Snow, James Chaney, president of the Utah (or Provo) Stake of Zion from 1853-1858, was born 11 Jan 1817 in the town of Chesterfield, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, son of Gardner Snow and Sarah Hasting.  He was reared from a child, eighteen months old, to manhood in the State of Vermont.  He was baptized into the Church 19 October 1833, was ordained a Teacher 23 June 1834, and ordained a Priest 23 Nov 1834.  In the year 1836 he filled a mission to the New England States, where he baptized many, among whom Elizabeth Cluff and Lucy Smith.  April 20, 1837, he received a patriarchal blessing in the Kirtland Temple under the hands of Patriarch Joseph Smith, Senior.  In 1838, he married Eliza Ann Carter at Kirtland, Ohio, and with his wife he traveled to Missouri in the Kirtland camp; thence went to Illinois and settled in Nauvoo, where he became a member of the Nauvoo Legion.  May 17, 1844, he left his home in Illinoise to go on a special mission, on which he was instructed also to electioneer for Joseph Smith, who was a candidate for the presidency of the United States.  A response to this call required a great sacrifice on Elder Snow's part as his family, consisting of a wife and four children, were in poor circumstances; they had not even flour in the house at the time, but his wife told him to go and do his duty, and God would provide; and so he did.

Elder Snow arrived at Addison, Indiana, 24 June 1844, after walking 52 miles.  At that place he was joined by Dominicus Carter; and the two Elders started out together without purse or scrip, and God blessed them.  On the 27th of June, the very day on which Joseph and Hyrum Smith were martyred, Elder Snow was preaching at Milroy, Rush, Indiana. After the martyred Prophets Brother Snow, together with other missionaries, was called home shortly after the martyrdom, and he was present at the meeting when the mantle of Joseph fell upon Brigham Young - an event of which he often testified afterwards.

Together with his family, he left Nauvoo in 1846, to go to the Valleys of the Mountains.  They remained at Council Bluffs until 1852, when they started across the plains with Brother Snow as captain of the company.  After enduring the hardships and privation of a long and toilsome journey, they arrived in Salt Lake City 9 October 1852.  Later in the fall, Brother Snow and family moved to Provo, Utah County and in 1853 he was appointed president of the Utah Stake of Zion, which position he held until 1858, when he resigned.  In the spring of 1857 he accompanied the civil positions in the community.  Thus he served as a member of the Utah legislature in 1856, and was appointed United States deputy marshal in 1853.  In 1858 he was elected surveyor of Utah county; and he was re-elected to located at Pettyville, where he died 30 April 1884 aged 67 years, 3 months and 19 days.  His body was taken to Manti for interment.  Elder Snow was loved and respected by all who knew him and remained firm and faithful in the Church till the last.  He was father of twenty children.

James C. Snow led  the James C. Snow Company that traveled across the plains in 1852 July-October.  There were 11 people in his family who made the trip.  James served as Captain of the company.  He was age 35 yrs.

James Chauncey Snow - buried in Manti Cemetery, Manti - Lot 19 Blk 13 Plat A Grv

«b»Deseret News - 11 October 1876«/b»
Local and Other Matters From Monday's Daily, October 9
Postmaster - James C. Snow has been appointed postmaster of Pettyville, Sanpete County, Utah.

James C. Snow Company arrived in the Salt Lake Valley 9 Oct 1852

«b»History of Manti by M.F. Farnsworth, Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1936
«/b»James C. Snow died 30 April 1884 in Manti, Utah
Eliza Ann CARTER
28 Sep 1818
Newry, Oxford, Maine
9 Mar 1897
Provo, Utah, Utah
12 Mar 1897
Provo, Utah, Utah
                   Block 4 Lot 14 -

Seal to Parents:  2 Apr 1953 SLAKE - Salt Lake Utah

«b»Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah - http://provo.org/parks.cemetery_records.html«/b» -
Eliza Ann Snow is buried in Lot 14 near 1st North near the following ancestors (James Erastus Snow, Reed Snow, John C. Snow, Harriett Snow, Richard Snow, Arletta Snow, Caleb William Snow, John Ellis Snow, Harriett M. Young, and Hannah Knight (Libby) Carter)
Eliza Ann Carter Snow - born 28 September 1818 in Newry, Maine - died 4 March 1897 in Provo, Utah, Utah - burial 4 March 1897 - Block 4 Lot 14 - age 79 yrs - female - spouse: James Chauncey Snow d. 1884 (not here) - Parents: John Carter & Hannah Knight Libby Carter.

«b»Obituary taken from Journal History Pg. 8 - originally published in Deseret Evening News 12 March 1897
«/b»Mrs. Eliza Ann Carter Snow died at her home in this city Wednesday evening. The funeral services were held in the Fourth Ward assembly hall this forenoon. The deceased was born in Newry, Oxford County, Maine 18 September 1818.  She embraced the Gospel in 1834 and in 1836 went to Kirtland, since which time she has been with the Saints. She married the late James C. Snow in 1838 and arrived in Utah in 1852.  She was the mother of nine children and had fifty-one grandchildren and forty great grandchildren.  She was a faithful Latter-Day Saint.

«b»Salt Lake Tribune & Deseret News Index«/b»
Eliza Ann Carter Snow - died Provo - 1897; March 12, P. 8 - died age 79 - faithful LDS - See Journal History

«b»Utah Cemeteries and Burials Database«/b» - Eliza Ann Snow - 28 Sept 1818 in Newry, Maine - died 4 Mar 1897 in Provo, Utah - buried 4 Mar 1897 in Provo City Cemetery Block 4 Lot 14 - Source: Sexton - Relatives: John & Hannah Knight Libby Carter (Father) James Chauncey Snow (Spouse)

«b»Obituary - Daily Enquirer - Provo City, Utah, Friday, March 12, 1897«/b»
Laid to Rest - Funeral Services of Sister Eliza Ann Snow
The funeral services over the remains of Sister Eliza Ann Snow were held in the Fourth Ward meeting house today.  Elder Jacob F. Gates presided.  The choir sang: "Oh My Father"  Prayer was given by Elder John G. Jones.  The choir then sang "When First the Glorious Light of Truth" by request of the deceased.  President Partridge was the first speaker.  He referred to the sterling qualities of the departed, and said we were all responsible for our own actions; Sister Snow had more friends on the other side, than she had here.  He closed by invoking God's blessings to rest upon the Mourners.  President D. John said he had been acquainted with the deceased for about 36 years.  She had passed through the trying scenes of pioneer life in Utah, and had been faithful to the end.  He exhorted the numerous posterity of the deceased to be faithful to the duties in the Church of Christ, and the speaker closed by imploring the divine assistance to rest upon the family of Sister Snow.

Elder James E. Daniels said he fully realized the situation of the departed.  Deceased was a member of the Provo Choir in 1854 and was a member of the Kirtland Temple Choir in 1836.  She was at the dedication of the Manti Temple, though very sick when she left Provo.  Said there was no need for us to mourn in view of the glorious reward before her.  Elder S.S. Jones said he felt honored in being permitted to speak.  The deceased had a large family to care for, and she was now free from the cares and sorrows and trials of mortality.  Elder J.E. Booth read a biographical sketch of the life of Sister Snow written in her own handwriting.  Brother Booth said it was only once in a while that you could see anybody who had been acquainted with the Prophet Joseph, and Sister Snow was one of that number.  Bishop J.B. Keeler was the last speaker.  He said the deceased was highly esteemed by all who knew her.  She had sent words of comfort and congratulations to the speaker, while he was on his mission, and he appreciated them.  The choir then sang "Farewell all Earthly Honors."  The benediction was given by Elder J.F. Gates.  A large cortege following the remains to their last resting place at the cemetery, where the dedicatory prayer was offered by Elder J.F. Gates.

«b»Obituary - Provo Daily Enquirer - Provo City, Utah, Wednesday, March 10, 1897«/b»
Another Pioneer Gone - Mrs. Eliza Snow Passed Away on Tuesday
Mrs. Eliza Ann Carter Snow, who has live in Provo almost since its first settlement, quietly passed away at her home on K street between 7th and 8th streets at 9:00 PM tuesday.  She has been for a great many years troubled with spinal disease.  About 8 months ago, the lady got an attack of la grippe and on account of her age and weak physical condition was unable to throw the offending disease off, which caused her death.  Mrs. Snow was born in the State of Maine, in the year 1818.  She passed through all the persecutions of the church in its infancy, having twice had her house burned by the mobs.  She emigrated to Utah in 18?2 and has since resided here.  She is the mother of nine children, eight of whom are living.  Her grandchildren number fifty-five, and her  great grandchildren, fifty-one.  Deceased was the wife of President J.C. Snow.  She joined the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in her youth, and has ever since been a faithful worker in the cause, and her loss will be mourned by everyone who knew her.  She has always been a loving and careful mother, and a wise teacher of her children, most of whom have families of their own, and her death will be a great loss to them.  The funeral services will be held at the Fourth Ward Meeting House, Friday, March 12, at 10:00 AM.  The following will be speakers:  President David John, Bishop Keeler, Elders J.E. Booth, S.S. Jones and James E. Daniels.  The family invites all friends to be present.

«b»Carter Pioneers of Provo, Utah by Arthur D. Coleman
«/b»Pg. 425 - Eliza Ann Carter was born on the 28th of September 1818 at Newry, Oxford, Maine.  She was the eighth child and third daughter of John and Hannah Knight Libby Carter.  At the age of 16 she saw the Mormon missionaries lay their hands on her critically ill mother and offer prayers for her recovery.  She heard the sermons of the missionaries and explanations of the new Gospel.  She accompanied her parents as they started their westward migration at Kirtland, Ohio about 1836.  She married there early in 1838 James Chauncy Snow born 11 January 1817 at Chesterfield, New Hampshire died 30 April 1884 at Pettyville, Sanpete Co., Utah.

The young couple joined with other Latter-day Saints in the move to Adam-ondi-Ahman, the Missouri place of gathering where on the 30 of October 1838 their first child was born at Far West the same day that the Hauns Mill massacre occurred only a week after the Battle of Crooked River and a month prior to the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. and other church leaders being imprisoned in the Liberty Jail in Clay County. Eliza Ann Carter Snow, like her sister Hannah and brothers Dominicus, William F., Richard and John H., accepted the Gospel teachings of the Latter-day Saints Church in their entirety including the doctrine of plural marriage. . .  The first Mormon Elders she ever heard preach was John F. Boynton and Danniel Bean. . .  She consented to her husband's marriage to Lydia Elizabeth Chadwick on 20 Feb 1856 and to Jane Cecelia Roberts on 2 Dec 1856 and Ann Clark on 13 March 1857. . .  She had her Patriarchial Blessing under the hand of Father Joseph Smith, the Patriarch then, in the Kirtland Temple and where the Spirit of God like a fire is burning.   That was shen she was 18 years old.  She was in Kirtland when the temple was dedicated and "when the stars fell from Heaven and saw them when they fell".

Eliza Ann Carter Snow lived thirteen years after her husband's death.  She died 9 March 1897 at Provo City and was buried at the Provo Cemetery.  Eliza Ann Carter and James Chauncy Snow were the parents of 10 kids.

«b»Utah Cemeteries and Burials Database - extracted by DLW 1/2013 - http://history.utah.gov/burials/execute/searchburials
«/b»Eliza Ann Snow - born 28 September 1818 in Newry, Maine - died 4 Mar 1897 in Provo, Utah - buried 4 Mar 1897 in Provo City Cemetery - Block 4 Lot 14 - source: sexton - Relatives:  John & Hannah Knight Libby Carter (Father) and James Chauncey Snow (spouse)

«b»new.familysearch.org«/b» - 2/2013
Eliza Ann Carter - female - born 1808 in Scarborough, Cumberland, Maine - died 9 March 1897 in Provo, Utah, Utah - buried March 1897 in Provo, Utah, Utah - married James Chauncey Snow 1836 in Kirtland, Lake, Ohio
30 Oct 1838
Far West, Caldwell, Missouri
11 Nov 1910
Provo, Utah, Utah
7 Apr 1868
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                   Married (1) 5 Dec 1853 Marshall Corridon Kinsman
          (2) Joseph Young

«b»Utah Cemeteries and Burials Database - extracted by DLW 1/2013 - http://history.utah.gov/burials/execute/searchburials
«/b»Sarah Jane Snow Kinsman - born 30 October 1838 in Far West, Caldwell, Missouri - died 11 November 1910 in Provo, Utah - buried in Provo City Cemetery - Block 3 Lot 77 - source: sexton - relatives:  James C. & Eliza Ann Carter Snow (parents) 1.  Marshall C. Kinsman (died 1863) - 2. Josep (spouse)-

«b»new.familysearch.org«/b» - 2/2013
Sarah Jane Snow - female - born 30 October 1838 in Far West, Caldwell, Missouri - died 11 November 1910 - buried 14 November 1910 in Provo, Utah, Utah - married Marshal Kinsman 5 December 1853 in Provo, Utah, Utah - married Joseph Young 6 April 1867 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah

«b»Utah Death Registers, 1847-1966«/b» - Sarah Jane Young - female - age 72 yrs - born about 1838 - died 11 Nov 1910 in Utah County - State File No.: 1910003786
28 Jun 1840
Lima (Morley Settlement), Adams, Illinois
10 Jul 1909
Provo, Utah, Utah
25 Oct 1883
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                   Block 4 Lot 14

Block 4 Lot 14

Married (1) Harriet Baker
          (2) Esther Chidester

«b»Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah - http://provo.org/parks.cemetery_records.html«/b»
Snow, John Carter - born 25 June 1840 in Lima, Illinois - died 10 July 1909 in Provo, Utah, Utah - burial 13 July 1909 - Block 4 Lot 14 - age 69 - male - spouse: Harriett Baker Snow d. 1883 - Parents: James E. Snow & Eliza Ann Carter Snow -  John C. Snow  and Harriett Snow are buried in Lot 14 near 1st North near the following ancestors (James Erastus Snow, Reed Snow, Richard Snow, Arletta Snow, Eliza Ann Snow, John Ellis Snow, Harriett M. Young, and Hannah Knight (Libby) Carter)

«b»Utah Death Index «/b»- John Carter Snow - died 10 July 1909 - #1909002456 - male - 69 yrs - Utah County

«b»Utah Cemeteries and Burials Database - extracted by DLW 1/2013 - http://history.utah.gov/burials/execute/searchburials
«/b»Snow, John Carter - born 1840 in Lima, Illinois - died 10 July 1909 in Provo, Utah - buried 10 July 1909 in Provo City Cemetery Block 4 Lot 14 - Source: Sexton

«b»Find a Grave«/b» - John Carter Snow - born 28 June 1840 in Illinois, USA - died 10 July 1909 in Provo, Utah, Utah, USA
He is the son of James Chauncy Snow and Eliza Ann Carter Snow, husband of Harriet Baker Snow
Children: Harriet Ann Snow Dunn (1861-1925)
Inscription: May He Rest In Peace
Burial: Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah, Utah, USA - Plot: Block 4, Lot 14

«b»new.familysearch.org - 3/2013«/b»
John Chancey Snow - male - born 28 June 1840 in Hancock, Illinois - died 10 July 1910 - buried 13 July 1909 in Provo, Utah, Utah - married Harriet Baker 6 October 1859 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah - married Esther Chidester 25 October 1883 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
22 Jan 1842
Lima (Morley Settlement), Adams, Illinois
17 Nov 1897
Provo, Utah, Utah
3 Oct 1883
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                   Block 4 Lot 69

Birthplace also listed as Lima, Adams, Illinois

«b»Obituary-Daily Enquirer, Provo, Utah, Friday, 19 Nov 1897«/b»
Don Carlos Snow - The funeral services over the remains of Don Carlos Snow were held in the First ward meeting house this afternoon.  Mr. Snow was born 22 January 1842 in Hancock county, Illinois, shared with his parents in the trials and persecution which followed the Mormon people in early days in Hancock county and Nauvoo, and journeyed with the Saints on to Council Bluffs.  He arrived in Utah in the fall of 1852 where he has resided ever since, sharing the hardships of pioneer life, and taking an active part in the building of roads, bridges, canals, and the early Indian troubles.  Mr. Snow was a good citizen, respected by all who knew him, always living a very quiet and unassuming life.  Deceased was the father of thirteen children, eleven of whom survive him.

«b»Utah Cemeteries and Burials Database - extracted by DLW 1/2013 - http://history.utah.gov/burials/execute/searchburials
«/b»Snow, Don C. - died 17 November 1897 - buried 17 November 1897 in Provo City Cemetery Block 4 Lot 69 - source: sexton - relatives: James C. and Eliza Ann Carter Snow (Father)

«b»Salt Lake Tribune - 14 April 1887«/b»
District Court At Provo - Sentences
United States vs.Don Carlos Snow, convicted for unlawful cohabitation, was sentenced to the penitentiary for six months and to pay a fine of $50.

«b»Provo City Cemetery - http://provo.org/parks.cemetery_records.html
«/b»Don Carlos Snow born 22 January 1842 - died 17 November 1897 in Provo, Utah, Utah - burial 17 November 1897 - Block 4 Lot 69 - age 55 - sex male - spouse: Mary Elizabeth Hallet Snow d. 1927 - Parents: James C. Snow & Eliza Ann Carter Snow

«b»new.familysearch.org -«/b» Snow, Don C. - died 17 November 1897 in Provo, Utah - buried 17 November 1897 in Provo City Cemetery - Block 4 Lot 69 - source: sexton - Relatives: James C. and Eliza Ann Carter Snow (Father)
25 Aug 1843
Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois
8 Feb 1901
Provo, Utah, Utah
24 Jul 1862
Provo, Utah, Utah 
                   Block 1 Lot 106

Married to Caleb Willman Haws

«b»Find a Grave «/b»- Eliza Ann Snow Haws - born 25 August 1843 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois - died 8 Feb 1901 in Provo, Utah, Utah - buried Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah, Utah - Block 1 Lot 106 - Parents: Jason C. Snow and Eliza A. Carter - married 24 July 1862 Provo, Utah, UT to Caleb William Haws.  - children: Eliza ann, Mary Ellen, Diantha Vilate, Sarah Jane and Caleb William

«b»Utah Burials Database «/b»- Eliza A. Snow Haws - born 25 August 1843 in Hancock, Illinois - died 8 Feb 1901 - buried 8 February 1901 in Provo, Utah - buried Provo City Cemetery - Block 1 Lot 106 - source: sexton - relatives: Jason C. and Eliza A. Carter Snow (Father - marker type Ud

«b»new.familysearch.org - 2/2013«/b»
Eliza Ann Snow - female - born 25 August 1843 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois - died 8 February 1901 in Provo, Utah, Utah - buried 11 February 1901 in Provo, Utah, Utah - married Caleb William Haws 24 July 1862 in Provo, Utah, Utah
26 Mar 1846
Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois
7 Sep 1919
Provo, Utah, Utah
5 Jun 1871
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                   Block 8 Lot 93

Married Josephine Ferre 5 June 1871

«b»Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah http://provo.org/parks.cemetery_records.html «/b» -  James Erastus Snow born 26 Mar 1846 in Nauvoo, Illinois - died 7 Sept 1919 in Provo, Utah, Utah - burial 10 September 1919 - Block 8 Lot 93 - Veteran of black Hawk War - age 73 yrs - male - Spouse: Josephine K. Ferre Snow d. 1934 - Parents: James C. Snow & Eliza Ann Carter - James Erastus Snow is buried in Lot 14 near 1st North near the following ancestors (Arletta C. Snow, Reed Snow, John C. Snow, Harriett Snow, Richard Snow, Arletta Snow, Eliza Ann Snow, John Ellis Snow, Harriett M. Young, and Hannah Knight (Libby) Carter)

«b»Salt Lake Tribune & Deseret News Index«/b»
James E. Snow - died 8 Sept 1919 - News September 9, 1919: 3 - 2nd Section.

«b»Utah Death Index«/b» - James Erastus Snow - died 7 September 1919 - 1919003879 - male - 73 - Utah

«b»Utah Cemeteries and Burials Database - extracted by DLW 1/2013 - http://history.utah.gov/burials/execute/searchburials
«/b»Snow, James E. - born 1846 in Illinois - died 7 Sept 1919 in Provo, Utah - buried 7 Sept 1919 in Provo City Cemetery Block 8 Lot 93 - Source: Sexton - Comments: Black Hawk War Veteran (t10)
Find a Grave «/b»- James Erastus Snow - born 26 Mar 1846 in Nauvoo, Hanock, Illinois, USA - died 7 Sept 1919 in Provo, Utah, Utah, USA
Veteran of Blackhawk War
Children: James Erastus Snow (1874-1875)
                Daniel Ewart Snow (1886-1909)
Spouse: Josephine K. Ferre Snow (1853-1934)
Burial: Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah, Utah, USA
Plot: Block 8 Lot 93

«b»new.familysearch.org - 3/2013«/b»
James Erastus Snow - male - born 26 March 1846 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois - died 7 September 1919 in Provo, Utah, Utah - buried 7 September 1919 in Provo, Utah, Utah - married Josephine Ferre 5 June 1871 in Endowment House, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah

«b»Utah Death Registers, 1847-1966«/b» - James Erastus Snow - male - age 73 - born about 1846 - died 7 Sept 1919 in Utah County - State File No.: 1919003879
5 Oct 1848
Cartersville, Pottawatamie, Iowa
25 Mar 1922
Provo, Utah, Utah
                   Block 3 Lot 78

Married Mary Barbara Bay 1 Jan 1871

«b»Utah Death Registers, 1847-1966«/b» - Richard Carter Snow - male - age 73 yrs - born about 1849 - died 25 Mar 1922 in Utah County - State File No.: 1922001512

Information taken from FamilySearch Ancestral File v4.19
Utah Cemeteries and Burials Database - extracted by DLW 1/2013 - http://history.utah.gov/burials/execute/searchburials
«/b»Snow, Richard C. - born 5 October 1948 in Iowa - died 25 Mar 1922 in Provo, Utah - buried 25 Mar 1922 in Provo City Cemetery, Block 3 Lot 78 - Source: Sexton - Relatives: Mary B. Bay Snow (Spouse)

«b»Find a Grave«/b» - Richard C. Snow - born 5 Oct 1848 in Iowa, USA
died - 25 Mar 1922 in Provo, Utah, Utah, USA
Spouse: Mary B. Bay Snow (1853-1883)
Burial: Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah, Utah, USA - Plot: Block 3 Lot 78

«b»Provo City Cemetery - http://provo.org/parks.cemetery_records.html
«/b»Richard Carter Snow - born 5 October 1848 in Pottawatamie, Iowa - died 25 March 1922 in Provo, Utah, Utah - burial 26 Mar 1922 Block 3 Lot 78 - age 73 - male - spouse Mary B. Bay Snow d. 1883 - Parents:  James Chancy Snow & Eliza Ann Carter Snow

«b»new.familysearch.org - 3/3013«/b»
Richard C. Snow born 5 October 1848 in Carterville, Pottawattamie, Iowa - died 25 Mar 1922 in Provo, Utah - buried 26 Mar 1922 in Provo City Cemetery  - married Mary Barbara Bay Snow (spouse) on 1 January 1871 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah - married Hulda Eveline Bay (1872-1889)
8 Jun 1851
Cartersville, Pottawatamie, Iowa
9 Feb 1919
Provo, Utah, Utah
24 Mar 1881
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Uta 
                      Block 8 Lot 121

Married 24 Mar 1881 to Hannah Selena Harrison

«b»Salt Lake Tribune & Deseret News Index«/b»
Dominicus Snow - died 9 Feb 1919 - News 10 Feb 1919: 4 - 2nd Section

«b»Utah Death Index«/b» - Dominicus Snow - died 9 February 1919 - 1919001039 - male - 67 - died in Utah County

«b»Utah Cemeteries and Burials Database - extracted by DLW 1/2013 - http://history.utah.gov/burials/execute/searchburials
«/b»Snow, Dominicus - born 1851 in Iowa - died 9 February 1919 in Provo, Utah - buried 9 February 1919 in Provo City Cemetery Block 8 Lot 121 - source: sexton

«b»Provo City Cemetery - http://provo.org/parks.cemetery_records.html
«/b»Dominicus C. Snow born 18 June 1851 in Iowa - died 9 February 1919 in Provo, Utah, Utah - burial: 12 February 1919 - age 67 - male - spouse: Hannah Selena Harrison Snow d. 1941 - Parents: James Chauncey Snow & Eliza Ann Carter Snow
new.familysearch.org - 3/2013 «/b»
Dominicus Carter Snow - male - born 18 June 1851 Carterville, Pottawattamie, Iowa - died 9 February 1919 in Provo, Utah, Utah - buried 12 February 1919 in Provo, Utah, Utah - Hannah Selina Harrison 24 March 1881 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah

«b»Utah Death Index«/b» - Dominicus Snow - male - age 67 yrs - born about 1852 - died 9 Feb 1919 in Utah County - State File No. 1919001039
Mary Ellen SNOW
16 Jun 1856
Provo, Utah, Utah
17 Jun 1856
Provo, Utah, Utah
30 Jun 1857
Provo, Utah, Utah
15 Apr 1920
Provo, Utah, Utah
                   Block 4 Lot 14

Name also spelled Armeda Clestia

«b»Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah - http://provo.org/parks.cemetery_records.html«/b» - Arletta C. Snow is buried in Lot 14 near 1st North near the following ancestors (James Erastus Snow, Reed Snow, John C. Snow, Harriett Snow, Richard Snow, Caleb William Snow, Eliza Ann Snow, John Ellis Snow, Harriett M. Young, and Hannah Knight (Libby) Carter)
Arletta Colister Snow - born 30 June 1857 in Provo, Utah - died 15 April 1920 at Provo, Utah - burial 18 April 1920 - Block 4 Lot 14 - age 62 - sex female - single - parents: James C. Snow and Eliza Ann Carter Snow.
SL Tribune and Deseret News«/b» - Snow, Arletta C. - died 15 April 1920 - News - April 17/20; 5 2 section

«b»Utah Burials Database«/b» - Snow, Arletta C. born 1858 in Provo, Utah  - died 15 April 1920 in Provo, Utah - buried 15 April 1920 in Provo City Cemetery Block 4 Lot 14 - source: sexton

«b»Find a Grave «/b»- Arletta C. Snow born 30 Jan 1857 - died 15 April 1920 - daughter of James Chauncy Snow and Eliza Ann Carter Snow - Arletta's information is inscripted on the side of her mother's stone facing a smaller marker with just her first name on it. - burial in Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah, Utah - Plot Block 4 Lot 14
James Homer SNOW
21 Jan 1860
Provo, Utah, Utah
Provo, Utah, Utah
14 Jan 1868
Provo, Utah, Utah
31 Jan 1937
Bluebell, Duchesne, Utah
24 Jul 1884
Ephraim, Sanpete, Utah 
                   L 2 S 1

Also endowed 12 June 1902
Married to Joseph Anderson 1884

Birthdate could be 17 Jan 1868

«b»Western States Marriage Index:«/b» Anderson, Joseph (25 yrs) resident of Sterling - married to Snow, Florence M. (20 yrs) - resident of Sterling - married in Manti 25 Oct 1888 - County of Record: Sanpete, Utah - Volume: 1 - Page: 74 - Marriage ID: 203532

Information taken from FamilySearch Ancestral File  v4.19
«b»Utah Death Registers, 1847-1966«/b» - Florence Snow Anderson - female - age 69 yrs - born about 1868 - died 31 Jan 1937 in duchesne - State File No.: 1937000587

«b»Utah Cemeteries and Burials Database - extracted by DLW 1/2013 - http://history.utah.gov/burials/execute/searchburials
«/b»Florence Minerva Snow Anderson - born 13 January 1868 in Provo, Utah, Utah - died 31 January 1937 in Bluebell, Duchesne, Utah - buried 4 February 1937 in Bluebell Cemetery - L 2, S 1 - source: Uintah County Regional History Center - comments married 24 July 1884 - relatives:  Elizabeth Ann Carter Snow (Mother) and James Chauncy Snow (Father) and Joseph Anderson (spouse)

«b»new.familysearch.org«/b» - 2/2013
Florence Minerva Snow - female - born 14 January 1868 in Provo, Utah, Utah - christening 1868 in Provo, Utah - died 31 January 1937 in Bluebell, Duchesne, Utah - buried 4 February 1937 in Bluebell, Duchesne, Utah - married Joseph Anderson 24 July 1884 Ephraim, Sanpete, Utah
FamilyCentral Network
James Chauncey Snow - Eliza Ann Carter

James Chauncey Snow was born at Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire 11 Jan 1817. His parents were Gardner Snow and Sarah Sawyer Hastings.

He married Eliza Ann Carter Jan 1838 at Kirtland, Lake, Ohio . Eliza Ann Carter was born at Newry, Oxford, Maine 28 Sep 1818 daughter of John Carter and Hannah Knight Libby .

They were the parents of 12 children:
Sarah Jane Snow born 30 Oct 1838.
John Carter Snow born 28 Jun 1840.
Don Carlos Snow born 22 Jan 1842.
Eliza Ann Snow born 25 Aug 1843.
James Erastus Snow born 26 Mar 1846.
Richard Carter Snow born 5 Oct 1848.
Dominicus Carter Snow born 8 Jun 1851.
Mary Ellen Snow born 16 Jun 1856.
Arletta Calista Snow born 30 Jun 1857.
James Homer Snow born 21 Jan 1860.
Deseret Snow born 1863.
Florence Minerva Snow born 14 Jan 1868.

James Chauncey Snow died 30 Apr 1884 at Pettyville, Sanpete, Utah .

Eliza Ann Carter died 9 Mar 1897 at Provo, Utah, Utah .